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Showing12results of321
  • SFF Unlocking the Power of Public-Nonprofit Partnership

    ...the Chamber of Commerce. It is led by a steering committee made up of the City of San Rafael, the Marin County Board of Supervisors, Canal Alliance, Community Action…

  • Standing Together in Love and Faith

    ...people to serve the community against bigotry and hate; support religious liberties; promote interfaith organizations and activities; and build a just and moral community to provide shelter, living wage…

  • 5 Practices to Advance Equity With Your Giving

    During troubled times, giving with impact is more important than ever—and applying an equity lens to your philanthropic choices can multiply that impact. Our CEO Fred Blackwell shares five…

  • Donor Desk: Vinitha Watson studios could come to life. This organization is called Zoo Labs. SFF also partnered with us in our initial thinking of giving cash to Bay Area artists at…

  • 2022 Voter Guide: State and Local Propositions’s ability to provide affordable housing. To ensure a community where all can thrive, we must ensure that low-income communities of color can access high-resource communities More information at…

  • Going Beyond the Check foundations to join the fight for marriage equality. The communications campaign continued beyond the ballot box, and Proposition 8 was overturned in 2010, with the U.S. Supreme Court…

  • Production issued and then later be cancelled, voided, or expire.   Our Priorities Seed funding and low-interest loans We accelerate affordable housing development by providing seed funding and low-interest…

  • Valerie Goode Joins the San Francisco Foundation as Vice President of Marketing and Communications

    ...from the Oakland Unified School District, where she served as Deputy Chief, Communications and Public Affairs. There, she was deeply involved in community engagement, government relations, and worked closely…

  • Support communities hit by January storms

    The series of winter storms that recently hit California have caused significant flooding, mudslides, downed trees, and power outages around our region and across the state. Local community foundations…

  • Donor Desk: Dr. Sheryl Evans Davis and Karen Valentia Clopton

    ...and Jill of America. How has your giving evolved since then? SD: I am very focused on the health and well-being of the African American community because of systematic…

  • Investing in Community: The Story of Tin Shing Printing

    ...union called Northeast Community Federal Credit Union. As part of a culturally competent, Chinatown-based credit union, Ms. Lo believed in Mr. Luk’s ability to pay back the loan. Which…

  • Take Action

    ...– Started by key leaders in the tech community to promote policies to keep the United States and its citizens competitive in a global economy—including comprehensive immigration reform and…