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Showing12results of322
  • This is Not the Time for Silence

    ...Oakland School Police Department and Oakland Police Department accountable. In addition to policy wins, BOP has shifted $2.3 million from the police budget into restorative justice practices. The San…

  • Protection

    ...protections and legal representation for tenants facing eviction. Comprehensive programs We prevent homelessness by supporting comprehensive programs, like Keep Oakland Housed, that meet people’s needs across a broad continuum…

  • Our Story

    ...the next 75 years, more dedicated than ever to seeing the Bay Area reach its full potential. Centering People SFF’s People Pathway is focused on making it easier for…

  • Reproductive Justice Give Guide 2023 provide money to people who needed abortions; they had abortion providers in their community and didn’t need additional help accessing care. Now abortion funds are being asked to…

  • 2023 Grantmaking Data

    ...EDs, organizational size), grant type (grant length, strategies), and populations served. Read more about this and other efforts in Trust-based philanthropy from Raquiba LaBrie, SFF’s Vice President of Programs.…

  • About Us

    ...strong financial health and commitment to accountability and transparency. San Francisco Foundation has earned a earned a Candid Platinum Seal of Transparency on GuideStar for demonstrating a commitment to…

  • The Power of Second Chances: Hospitality House’s Joe Wilson

    ...In 2017, he was named Executive Director. Since assuming the role, he has aspired to provide the same sense of community and acceptance that changed his life, for Bay…

  • New Poll Finds Affordable Housing is a Major Voting Issue for Latinos

    ...pollution, and increased funding for colleges and universities. These will be the priority issues to be discussed at the upcoming gubernatorial forum organized by The Latino Community Foundation, in…

  • Community Listening Sessions Shape Strategy

    ...that our new strategy would be based on lived experiences. While the COVID-19 pandemic caused us to put some of our larger in-person listening sessions on pause for a…

  • A Multigenerational Commitment to the Bay Area

    ...combined initiative and our support, the San Francisco Free Clinic has since 1993 provided primary care and preventive services at no cost to thousands of people. Philanthropy Is Personal…

  • A Community’s Vision for Publicly Owned Land

    Partnership for the Bay’s Future (PBF) is an SFF initiative to advance housing solutions. PBF works to produce, preserve, and protect affordable homes in the Bay Area and to…

  • Inspiring Local Contractors for a Better Bayview Hunters Point

    ...provided examples of some of our core community partner in Bayview Hunters Point. We led the contractors through a robust discussion of the community-based organizations in Bayview Hunters Point…