Koshland Young Leader Awards

Koshland Young Leader Awards

In 1999, Dr. Daniel Koshland Jr., the son of our foundation’s founding chairman, established the Koshland Young Leader Awards (KYLA). The awards program recognizes young leaders who balance extraordinary challenges yet continue to show academic promise and community leadership. To date, the program has awarded nearly $1 million to more than 170 young leaders to give them a jump start as they enter college.

Candidates embrace a commitment to strengthening their families and communities despite facing formidable life challenges. Eleven outstanding San Francisco Unified School District juniors will receive $14,000 each to fund their tuition and/or education-related expenses.

For questions about the awards program, please contact Mayra Roman at scholarships[at]sff.org.

Application Requirements
Application Process and Timeline
How to Apply
Past Koshland Young Leader Award Winners