2021 Annual Report: A Just Recovery for the Bay Area

2021 Annual Report: A Just Recovery for the Bay Area

There are few moments in a lifetime where a community, country, and world can share a universal before and after. As we near the end of 2021, it is clear that all of our lives have been distinctly marked, in a range of ways, by the COVID-19 pandemic. The last 18 months have no doubt been full of heartbreak and communal grief at a depth that few of us have experienced.

This time has also exposed and forced us to confront systemic racism in ways we have yearned for but did not think possible in this lifetime. At the San Francisco Foundation, we are focusing our efforts on a just recovery that helps all communities regain stability, and beyond that, we are working with our partners to radically reimagine a better reality for all. With this community-driven vision for a more equitable and just Bay Area, we can dismantle the old systems and build a new way.

That is why, in the last year, we granted $166 million to nearly 3,000 community organizations, added our voice to push for systemic change through 42 policies, and, thanks to donor participation, grew our Mission-Aligned Investments pool — an option we offer to our donors who are interested in values-based investing — to $115 million. This past year, we also dedicated an additional $10 million toward power-building efforts in Black, Indigenous, and People-of-Color (BIPOC) communities in the Bay Area and throughout the state. To date, this has allowed us to make a significant investment in the California Black Freedom Fund.

And, as part of our 2021 Annual Report, we are announcing:

These unprecedented times have called for unprecedented action, and we’re proud of the ways that we’ve doubled down on our work to advance racial equity and economic inclusion. We extend our deepest thanks to community organizations and leaders for your work and dedication to the people of our region, and to our donors who have stepped up and helped clear a path for a more equitable Bay Area. Thank you for coming together as only this community can. We are honored and eager to continue this work together.

SFF CEO Fred BlackwellFred Blackwell
CEO, San Francisco Foundation





Inside SFF

2021 SFF Donors

We gratefully acknowledge the generous support of the following donors in FY21. Thank you for sharing our vision to make the Bay Area a better place for all.

Click below to expand the lists of our 2021 SFF Donors.

FY21 Corporate and Foundation Donors

Bay Area Leads Fund Donors

Agency Fund Donors