Bay Area Housing: The Path Forward

Bay Area Housing: The Path Forward

Bay Area Housing: The Path Forward

Together, we can build a Bay Area where everybody can thrive.

That means tackling our housing crisis so that everyone can have affordable and secure housing. There is a path forward, together, if we choose to take it. We’ve already seen progress in the legislature, and positive shifts in public opinion. The hard work of SFF donors and grantees is helping to make this possible.

The Path Forward

The path forward requires us to work together as a region to PROTECT renters and prevent homelessness, PRESERVE existing affordable housing, and PRODUCE more housing across all income levels.

Learn more about major Bay Area housing issues and the people and organizations taking action to address this crisis:


PROTECT renters and prevent homelessness for those who need stable housing and relief from rising rents.


PRESERVE and rehabilitate already affordable homes so they are not lost to the speculative market.


PRODUCE  new homes with racial equity, belonging, and affordability as our guiding influences. 

Take Action

Ready to make a difference? Visit the Take Action page for some concrete steps.