Estate Planning

Estate Planning

A safe place to sleep, a nature program, and after school music classes for underserved youth — these programs and many others have all been funded by donors whose vision and generosity will live on in a vibrant, inclusive Bay Area.

Since 1948, we have worked hand-in-hand with individuals and families to create charitable legacies that provide lasting support for causes in the Bay Area and beyond. Drawing on our philanthropic, tax and legal expertise, we will help you design a flexible giving strategy and timeline that works in tandem with the estate planning process. A variety of planning options exist to meet your financial planning needs and charitable vision.

Click on the sections below for more Estate Planning information.

Future Gifts

Gifts That Provide Income

Future Funds

Additional Giving Options

Give Guides

Join the Bay Area Promise Society

Individuals and families who generously include the San Francisco Foundation in their estate plans are recognized and thanked for their generosity as new members of the Bay Area Promise Society (BAPS), our legacy society. The foundation hosts special events for BAPS members, including presentations by financial and philanthropic experts, site visits to learn more about the work of local nonprofit organizations, and opportunities to learn what donor peers are doing with their philanthropic pursuits.

Additionally, BAPS members are a part of the foundation family and receive the benefits enjoyed by all foundation donors, including financial and philanthropic advice tailored to their personal situation. Read more.

Resources and Information

Legal Name: The San Francisco Foundation
TAX ID: 01-0679337
Address: One Embarcadero Center, Suite 1400, San Francisco, CA 94111
