As we approach 100 days of a new presidential administration, the significant divisions within our society highlight the challenges that lie ahead. While it may be tempting to succumb to discouragement, we are committed to progressing forward with strong solidarity and renewed resolve. We appreciate your leadership and courage during this time.
As we prepare for the challenges that lie ahead, we have gathered resources to share with you focused on organizational safety and security threats. These resources include toolkits, resource guides, pro bono legal support, rapid response grants, and consultations. Unless noted otherwise, the resources are free, and all of them are available for nonprofit organizations to access.
Physical and Organizational Safety
Community Safety Rapid Response Support is a virtual rapid response support to social justice movements, organizations, and leaders dealing with urgent community safety incidents. Providing consultation support focused on: Personal/Home Safety, Organizational safety, Action and event safety, Digital security. Accepting requests Monday – Friday from 9:00am – 5:00pm PST.
Provided by: Vision Change Win
Get In Formation Training Series (G.I.F.T.S.) is a virtual training series for organizations to develop and deepen their safety and security infrastructure. Organizations learn concrete strategies for identifying and addressing potential risks and developing safety structures that are scaled to the organization’s unique capacity, adaptive to changing conditions, and trauma informed. (price information available online)
Provided by: Vision Change Win
Community Safety Political Education and Resources is a list of political education and resources focused on community safety. These materials are a combination of articles, books, websites, toolkits, workbooks, guides, and videos.
Provided by: Vision Change Win
Electoral Safety Toolkit shares best practices, templates, and questions to consider. Whether your group is door-knocking, protesting, or coordinating mutual aid, building safety infrastructure is critical to protect our communities.
Provided by: Vision Change Win
Get in Formation Toolkit is a collection of security and safety practices built by years of learning in the streets from Black, Indigenous, and People of Color movements within the U.S. Developed and edited by safety and security practitioners with a range of 10-40 years’ experience, this toolkit includes handouts, tips, and worksheets to support you in growing or building your community safety practices and/or teams.
Provided by: Vision Change Win
Online Safety
The Anti-Doxxing Guide for Activists supports activists around the world who may be targeted for resisting white supremacy, Islamophobia, casteism, antisemitism, anti-LGBTQ+ harassment, or any form of authoritarianism.
Provided by: Equality Labs
Security in a box primarily aims to help a global community of human rights defenders whose work puts them at risk. It has been recognized worldwide as a foundational resource for helping people at risk protect their digital security and privacy.
Provided by: Security in a Box
The Surveillance Self-Defense resource guide is focused on protecting you and your friends from online spying.
Provided by: Electronic Frontier Foundation
The Cybersecurity Handbook for Civil Society Organizations handbook is an open-source resource designed to help civil society organizations develop an understandable and implementable cybersecurity plan. It includes explanations of key security topics that organizations and their staff should be aware of, essential strategies and recommended tools to limit risk, and tips and links to additional resources that can help an organization implement such recommendations.
Provided by: NDI
Legal Resources
Protecting and Advancing DEI Pro Bono Initiative offers free legal support for organizations to better understand the legal landscape following the Supreme Court’s Students for Fair Admissions case.
Provided by: Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights
The Legal Education, Advocacy and Defense (LEAD) for Racial Justice program offers free legal support for organizations to better understand the legal landscape following the Supreme Court’s Students for Fair Admissions case, for California-based nonprofit organizations.
Provided by: California Black Freedom Fund
Funding Opportunities
SFF’s Rapid Response Fund for Movement Building offers small, one-time grants to frontline grassroots organizations’ new projects addressing unexpected, urgent event or external challenge while strengthening the voice and power of low-income residents and people of color. Past projects have included protest and actions in solidarity with targeted communities (e.g., immigrants, LGBTQIA+, and Black, Indigenous and people of color) and supporting community and organizer safety (e.g., trainings, wellness, and legal defense needs). Application process open to nonprofit organizations in San Francisco, Alameda, San Mateo, Marin, and Contra Costa counties.
Provided by: San Francisco Foundation