WEBINAR: COVID-19 Frontline News From Nonprofits—Their Urgent Needs

WEBINAR: COVID-19 Frontline News From Nonprofits—Their Urgent Needs

On April 7, the San Francisco Foundation hosted a webinar to discuss how to support people in the community who are most affected by COVID-19.

SFF CEO Fred Blackwell was joined by Del Seymour, the Executive Director of Code Tenderloin, and Deborah Lee, the Executive Director at Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity, who spoke about what they’re seeing firsthand in the community.

Fred was also joined by SF Foundation staff members who are helping to manage the San Francisco Foundation COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund, which was established to get money quickly to organizations that are serving Bay Area residents impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.

SFF Multicultural Fellow Joshua Lee, who is helping to manage the grant review, spoke about the urgent need in the community for resources, and SFF VP for Programs Elena Chavez Quezada briefed participants on the trends and themes that are emerging in the community around job loss, food insecurity, and issues like domestic violence that are exacerbated by the current situation.

To watch a recording of the webinar, CLICK HERE

To support the SFF COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund, CLICK HERE