Reproductive Justice 2024 Give Guide

Reproductive Justice 2024 Give Guide

The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade has created new threats to reproductive health, rights, and justice across the United States. You can help protect these rights and combat the attacks on both the state and federal level. This guide was curated in partnership with a local expert and SFF-donor, Gretchen Sisson, PhD. For additional or customized recommendations, please contact your personal Philanthropic Advisor or donorservices[at] 

Abortion Bridge Collaborative Fund

The Abortion Bridge Collaborative Fund is a rapid-response, movement-led, trust-based philanthropic effort to build the emergent and emergency infrastructure required to ensure abortion care for as many Americans as possible. Grantmaking is led by an advisory council of movement leaders and advocates in the aligned reproductive health, rights, and justice movements, and designed to be responsive to changing needs and legal environments across the country. Grantees include independent abortion clinics, abortion funds, patient navigation resources, information sharing, digital security, and more, and are designed to serve populations made most vulnerable by the Dobbs decision. 

GIVE HERE IF… you believe in participant-led grantmaking; you want to focus on building abortion care infrastructure; you want your money to be deployed strategically as legal environments and needs change rapidly. 

Donor Center Specifics:
Name: Women Donors Network
Short purpose: for the Abortion Bridge Collaborative Fund.

Abortion Coalition for Telemedicine (ACT Group)

Telemedicine is a safe and effective way of providing abortion care, both within and across state lines. However, telemedicine clinicians face many challenges to providing care this way. ACT Group is an essential part of the infrastructure, to ensure telemedicine providers have the legal and technical support they need to operate.

GIVE HERE IF… you want to help people in banned states have access to abortion without traveling; you like to fund the necessary infrastructure of provision (even if it’s not flashy!); you want to make sure abortion providers have what they need to treat all patients who need them. 

Donor Center Specifics:
Name: Abortion Coalition for Telemedicine
Short purpose: for general support.

Abortion Funds

Abortion funds are local organizations that provide direct funds and practical support (travel assistance, childcare, etc) to people who need abortions. There are many ways to support abortion funds: 

  • The National Network of Abortion Funds builds power with its member organizations to remove financial and logistical barriers to abortion access by centering people who have abortions and organizing at the intersections of racial, economic, and reproductive justice. NNAF provides leadership development, infrastructure support, and organizing technical assistance to member funds which are uniquely positioned to meet the needs of their local communities, while also being a powerful force for political and social change broadly. 
  • The Brigid Alliance books, coordinates, and pay for abortion travel, travel expenses, and child care, serving as a single trusted point of contact. 
  • Apiary works with abortion funds and other organizations to grow their capacity for practical support. For example, prior to Dobbs, many abortion funds only had to provide money to people who needed abortions; they had abortion providers in their community and didn’t need additional help accessing care. Now abortion funds are being asked to help patients in many more ways. Apiary helps them develop their capacity for that additional assistance. 

GIVE HERE IF… you want to get resources directly in the hands of people who need help paying for their abortions; you take a mutual aid approach to distributing resources. 

Donor Center Specifics:
Name: National Network of Abortion Funds
Short purpose: For general operating support.

Name: The Brigid Alliance
Short purpose: For general operating support.

Name: Apiary for Practical Support
Short purpose: For general operating support.

Name: ACCESS Reproductive Justice
Short purpose: For general operating support.

Independent Abortion Providers

Independent abortion providers are local clinics that provide the majority of abortion care across the country. These small, community-based clinics rely on individuals and communities to keep their doors open, often lacking the financial support, name recognition, and fundraising reach of national health centers or hospitals. Many of these providers have increased needs, due to increased patient volume, and great needs of patients in navigating the logistics of travel from further distances.

There are two primary ways to give to independent abortion providers: 

  • Give to the Abortion Care Network, a network of independent clinics across the country. Specifically, their Keep Our Clinics Open campaign provides funding to independent clinics to cover tangible expenses like increased security, building repairs, legal fees, and community education and advocacy.  
  • Give directly to a local nonprofit clinic. If you want to support a specific type of clinic (e.g., a clinic in a specific city/region, a clinic with POC leadership, a clinic in a high-restriction state), please reach out to SFF and we are happy to make specific suggestions. 

GIVE HERE IF… you want to support abortion providers directly; you want to help keep clinics’ doors open. is a simple, streamlined solution to the huge problem of patient navigation, and provides a national, searchable database to help people seeking abortion care. Users go to the site, enter the date of their last menstrual period, their birthday, and their ZIP code, and are provided with specific, localized information on where to find care, how to obtain funding, which legal barriers they will encounter (and resources for overcoming them). The site is a collaboration of a small team of professional writers, designers, developers, and data analysts, who share a goal of helping women in need of an abortion easily find the information and resources that apply to them, without having to sift through a lot of noise or, worse, misinformation and stigma from anti-abortion organizations, in a digitally secure way. 

GIVE HERE IF… you want to support patient navigation; you want to invest in secure tech solutions; you want to support a small, scrappy organization that is having an outsized impact. 

Donor Center Specifics:
Fiscal sponsor: Social Good Fund
Short purpose: to support the project.

Online Abortion Resource Squad (OARS)

The Online Abortion Resource Squad (OARS) runs the abortion subreddit. Their peer-based online counseling model helps ensure that the over 100,000 visitors to r/abortion have the information, support, and resources they need to access safe abortion care no matter where they live. This public forum is a critical resource for the people most impacted by restrictive laws and barriers to access.  

GIVE HERE IF… you want to support high-quality, stigma-free information sharing on abortion access, safety, and follow-up care. 

Donor Center Specifics:
Name: Online Abortion Resource Squad
Fiscal sponsor: DKT International
Short purpose: to support the Online Abortion Resource Squad project.

Repro Legal Defense Fund

Housed at If/When/How: Lawyering for Reproductive Justice, the Repro Legal Defense Fund provides financial and legal support for people who are being investigated or fighting charges related to their pregnancy or abortion. The fund covers bail, bond, monitoring expenses, court fees, fines, and sentencing costs; attorney and investigation feeds; therapy and medical treatment; commissary and communication costs for those incarcerated. 

GIVE HERE IF… you want to give in the overlap of criminal justice and reproductive justice work; you want to focus on decriminalization and keeping those legally vulnerable as safe as possible. 

Donor Center Specifics:
Name: If/When/How
Short purpose: for the Repro Legal Defense Fund.

Self-Managed Abortion, Safe and Secure

Self-Managed Abortion, Safe and Secure (SASS) provides private, free, and accurate support and information to people who are going through an abortion or miscarriage. Abortion pills are demonstrably safe, but people who use them on their own need resources to ensure they are using them correctly, effectively, and safely – so that they are not taking unnecessary medical and legal risks in their use. Many people have exposed themselves to unneeded legal risk while using abortion pills because they did not have a trustworthy source of information to consult. SASS helps fill this gap. 

GIVE HERE IF… you want to support people who are self-managing their abortion care; you want to help get self-management legally and medically safe for people who cannot or do not wish to travel for abortion care. 

Donor Center Specifics:
Name: Self-managed Abortion; Safe and Supported in the U.S.
Fiscal sponsor: Cambridge Reproductive Health Consultants
Short purpose: to support the Self-managed Abortion; Safe and Supported in the U.S. project.

We Testify

We Testify does culture-changing work nationally to elevate the leadership and representation of people who have abortions, increasing the spectrum of abortion storytellers in the public sphere, and shifting the way the media understands the context and complexity of accessing abortion care. We Testify invests in abortion storytellers to elevate their voices and expertise, with particular focus on people of color and those from rural and conservative communities. Their work supports storytellers in sharing their stories in legal cases, legislative testimony, and in building the cultural movement for abortion access and care. 

GIVE HERE IF… you want to support Black and POC-led abortion organizing; you want to center the experiences of people who have had abortion in the reproductive health and justice movements; you believe in the power of storytelling for culture change. 

Donor Center Specifics:
Name: We Testify
Fiscal sponsor: NEO Philanthropy
Short purpose: to support the We Testify project.

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