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Showing 12 results of 409
  • You Can Support Safe, Affordable Housing for Bay Area Residents affordable homes as the foundation for thriving individuals, families and neighborhoods. Public Advocates fights for funding to build more affordable housing; community benefits to ensure that low…

  • Bay Area Housing: The Path Forward – Preservation

    ...of SFF grantees preserving our affordable housing. The Martinez family was just one of the many families assisted by Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA), funded with help from the…

  • The Clinical Case for Nature: the Center for Nature and Health

    ...“Nature can get us through this.” The Center for Nature and Health at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital receives funding from the San Francisco Foundation’s donor-supported Youth Access to Nature…

  • COVID-19: Resources for Nonprofits a changing environment. SFF is partnering with Financial Management Associates (FMA) and Tipping Point Community to offer webinars and online tools for nonprofit organizations. Financial Management Associates (FMA)…

  • San Francisco Donors Have a New Way to Invest in Affordable Housing

    ...SFF or to Rebecca Foster at the HAF, using the contact information below. San Francisco Foundation Rehana Abbas Chief of Philanthropy rabbas[at] San Francisco Housing Accelerator Fund Rebecca Foster…

  • Bay Area Foundations Issue Grant to Support No Hate SF

    ...on the philanthropic partners: Walter & Elise Haas Fund – Hellman Foundation – Horizons Foundation – Rosenberg Foundation – The San Francisco Foundation –…

  • The Unique Challenge of the Buck Trust

    ...on this part of our history knowing that SFF would not face such a challenge today for a number of reasons. First, we work with donors to fully explore…

  • Centering Place

    ...of residents to transform lives, not just homes. Did you know? In 2019, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation was looking for the best focus for its Bay Area…

  • Grantee Highlight: Equality Labs is Strengthening Digital Defenses for Activists

    ...extremism, their staff came under attack from Hindu extremists and white supremacists. Soundararajan began receiving rape and death threats from online trolls, a member of their team was hacked,…

  • Bringing COPA to the Community

    Partnership for the Bay’s Future (PBF) is an SFF initiative to advance housing solutions. PBF works to produce, preserve, and protect affordable homes in the Bay Area and to…

  • Koshland Program Timeline

    ...Maria Haro, Christen Gray, Susan Beck, Hilary Bass, Rafael Avendano, Shanale Allen     2009-2014 North Fair Oaks (Unincorporated Redwood City) Ensuring A Bright Future for the Next Generation Koshland…

  • A Chance at Freedom: Tackling Human Trafficking in the Bay Area

    ...SFF’s co-founder, and Retha Robinson, longtime SFF staff member, and director of SFF’s Koshland Program. This $20,000 award recognizes an emerging woman-of-color leader under 40 in San Mateo County.…