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  • Oakland Goes Outdoors Video by The Redford Center. Watch the full Oakland Goes Outdoors film on our YouTube Channel. Oakland is blessed with an abundance of natural spaces, but unfortunately, many…

  • Celebrating Juneteenth: The Fight for Equity Continues

    ...dramatically reduce the pernicious fines and fees that annually drain millions of dollars of wealth, particularly from Black and Brown communities. Addressing Housing Segregation: As a result of advocacy…

  • Helping a Family Foundation Integrate the Next Generation

    The author is a trustee of a Bay Area family foundation that sought out SFF’s philanthropic advisory services in 2020. To learn more about this service, please email donorservices[at]…

  • Announcing $100 Million California Black Freedom Fund

    ...This first-of-its-kind fund is co-created with Black leaders and organizers to ensure that California’s growing ecosystem of locally rooted Black-led organizing efforts have the sustained investments and resources they…

  • Bay Area Leads Fund: Civic Leadership to Build an Equitable Bay Area

    ...the generous support of Bay Area Leads Fund donors, who in fiscal year 2021 donated nearly $580,000. Thank you for helping us make this work a reality. We invite…

  • 2022 Investment Forum

    ...Ms. McCluskey shared her approach with companies to ensure their incentives align with long-term value creation, saying, “We actively engage with really great managers and superior capital allocators to…

  • Equitable Recovery in the Bay Area

    ...priorities. Building on the work of local communities Bringing together regional action groups was only possible because early in the pandemic, many Bay Area cities and counties convened local…

  • Rapid Response Fund 2022

    ...Grandner Jessica Huynh Jia Guo Jia Sun Jill Schmidt Joanna Yung Joanne Amazona Jocelyn Chan Julia Yegorova Julie Chang Kan Yee Karen Shen Katherine Verano Kelly Quinn Kimberly Muscara…

  • SFF Walking Tour: Movement History and Organizing in Chinatown

    ...Chinatown Community Development Center (also an SFF grantee). Affordable housing remains a pivotal need and priority in the community, especially as many immigrant families live in single-room occupancy (SRO)…

  • Investing in Youth Leadership to Rebuild a Better Bay Area

    ...the pandemic hit, CURYJ was strategically positioned to transition to digital organizing and have more impact on three priority issues: police-state violence; criminalization; and ending mass incarceration. Our Rapid…

  • San Francisco Donors Have a New Way to Invest in Affordable Housing

    ...created plans to replace the parking lot, billboard, and small commercial buildings currently occupying the site with more than 200 affordable homes. Unfortunately, the recession’s economic impact on local…

  • Oakland Youth Fight to Vote in School Board Elections Oakland Tech. “We kinda felt like we were invisible,” she says. “And our actions and our voice wasn’t really being heard.” A year later, in 2020, Oakland Kids…