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Showing 12 results of 292
  • Bay Area Housing: The Path Forward – Preservation

    ...Partnership Benefits and mechanics of buying and rehabilitating affordable housing, rather than building from scratch Report, 2020, Enterprise Community Partners How housing construction in some Bay Area cities displaces…

  • The Clinical Case for Nature: the Center for Nature and Health

    ...clinical limitations, fewer outdoor prescriptions have meant a drop in online participation compared to outdoor outings. What’s more, many patients don’t have stable internet connections, further limiting their remote…

  • How Hack the Hood is Changing Lives in Oakland

    ...leadership. Youth Impact Hub, which provides tech, equity, and career readiness near Oakland’s Koreatown. The David E. Glover Education and Technology Center, which helps make tech skills accessible to…

  • Bringing COPA to the Community

    ...the property acquisition process by encouraging mission-driven buyers to consult with them before moving forward with the purchase. Read more about Heather’s experience. Learn more: Read more about Partnership…

  • Centering Place property deed clauses restricting anyone who is not white from buying or renting homes and Berkeley’s passage of the country’s first single-family zoning ordinance in 1916. Although Berkeley…

  • You Can Support Safe, Affordable Housing for Bay Area Residents

    ...low-income individuals and families in Oakland. Through their new Housing Acquisition Fund, EBALDC is working to purchase apartment buildings and stabilize the rents of low-income tenants before properties become…

  • Donor Desk: Leslie & Merle Rabine

    ...Hospitality House now have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to buy the building that houses all these artists and their visions. We want to ensure that Hospitality House can make that…

  • Open a Donor Advised Fund

    ...decide whether to opt for privacy by giving anonymously.   You will receive quarterly statements of your fund’s activity through Donor Center. You may also access your statements online, view…

  • San Francisco Donors Have a New Way to Invest in Affordable Housing

    ...City to identify and acquire existing affordable housing at risk of purchase by speculative developers, as well as underutilized land that can be transformed into new homes. HAF will…

  • New Loan Helps More Oaklanders Become Homeowners

    Earlier this month, the San Francisco Foundation made a new $900,000 loan from its Bay Area Community Impact Fund to Oakland Community Land Trust. This loan will help purchase…

  • Food for Thought – and for Community flexibility and creativity. Their produce manager, Fugimoto, has relationships with local farmers and keeps his ear to the ground for opportunistic buying that makes it possible to offer…

  • Eastlake Property Purchase Ensures Nearly 50 Residents Are Now Protected From Displacement

    ...Acquisition Fund. EBALDC immediately used our funds to purchase a multi-unit building at 2510 10th Avenue, in the Eastlake neighborhood of Oakland. We are delighted to report that 35…