Discover how our donors help ensure that SFF can continue to work toward a thriving Bay Area for generations to come.

A Multigenerational Commitment to the Bay Area
Making the Bay Area more equitable is not a spectator sport. It requires everyone’s active involvement, including the region’s most privileged residents.
“SFF has a willingness and in fact a desire to be multigenerational, to be able to work with families and next generations on their philanthropy and developing their own philanthropy.”
David Friedman, grandchild of SFF co-founder Daniel E. Koshland Sr.

Next-Generation Philanthropy
SFF’s partnership with future generations of donors has helped us welcome new ideas and sustain our organization for 75 years.

Identifying Our North Star
SFF CEO Fred Blackwell’s awareness of structural inequity began when he was a child riding his bicycle around Oakland.

Strong Foundations
In the aftermath of World War II, a group of public servants, philanthropists and business leaders unveiled a daring idea to create a Bay Area where everyone could thrive.
Support the Bay Area Leads Fund
To help inform public opinion and advocate for systemic change across the Bay Area.
See All Anniversary Stories
Learn more about San Francisco Foundation’s history and programs.