Bay Area Community Impact Fund

Bay Area Community Impact Fund

The Bay Area Community Impact Fund provides nonprofit organizations and social enterprises with low-interest, long-term loans and loan guarantees. These investments are also known as Program-Related Investments (PRIs).

The goal of this fund is to finance high-impact projects that align with our racial and economic equity agenda in underinvested communities. The Fund primarily lends to community development lenders and established nonprofits with demonstrated ability to use and repay loans. By providing nonprofits with access to affordable capital, our fund enables organizations to expand their activities and finance high-impact projects. As loans are repaid, the fund uses the money to invest in new projects, recycling capital to the continuing benefit of the region.

PRIs are an important complement to the foundation’s grantmaking, supporting our mission and amplifying our programmatic impact in a sustainable way. Our fund is a partnership with our donors. Funds come from the foundation’s endowment and from donors willing to invest some of their charitable resources for these catalytic projects. Making PRI investments allows us to fund projects at a scale that wouldn’t be possible with grantmaking alone. Learn more about supporting the fund.

Our Current Portfolio

Together with our donors, we have made 31 loans totaling over $35 million.2024 BACIF

Read stories about the fund’s borrowers and their impact.

How to Apply for a Loan

We accept Bay Area Community Impact Fund loan applications on a rolling basis. If your organization and project meet the criteria in the PRI Application Information Form, please contact Xiomara Vilela at xvilela[at]