Celebrating Bay Area LISC’s Faith & Housing Program

Celebrating Bay Area LISC’s Faith & Housing Program

SFF staff members attended Bay Area LISC’s launch and celebration of its Faith and Housing program. The program provides Bay Area faith-based organizations with the skills and knowledge to explore developing affordable housing on their land and the resources to move projects forward. 

The program launched its third cohort of faith leaders and announced that Cohort three would be Fath-Based Organizations (FBOs) from a regional nine-county area. The first two cohorts served FBOs in Alameda County. They shared that Wells Fargo had made a $500,000 donation to help scale the program for regional impact. As an original thought partner and funder in the creation of the program, this represents a significant step forward and leveraging of SFF’s partnership and resources.  

In the afternoon, a smaller group celebrated the completion of Cohort two for the Alameda County program.  

Read more about the event. 

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