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Showing12results of324
  • The Power of Second Chances: Hospitality House’s Joe Wilson

    ...In 2017, he was named Executive Director. Since assuming the role, he has aspired to provide the same sense of community and acceptance that changed his life, for Bay…

  • This is Not the Time for Silence

    ...and organizers, I was exposed to the concepts of social and economic justice at a very young age. My family shared with me stories and lessons learned from the…

  • Protection, compared to the annual cost of providing services to unhoused residents of $35,000 to $80,000 per person. [1] Families earning less than 30% of Area Median Income (AMI).…

  • Our Story

    ...of strong, self-determined communities and an inclusive democracy. Read more A Multigenerational Commitment to the Bay Area Making the Bay Area more equitable is not a spectator sport. It…

  • Report: Bay Area Electeds Lack Diversity

    ...the May 2018 list of elected officials provided by GovBuddy, we identified the race and gender of the elected officials via web-based research. We then sent the information to…

  • Reproductive Justice Give Guide 2023 provide money to people who needed abortions; they had abortion providers in their community and didn’t need additional help accessing care. Now abortion funds are being asked to…

  • Our Down Payment on Equity

    ...made a commitment last year to focus our work on advancing racial and economic equity throughout the Bay Area. Our equity agenda was created in collaboration with our community,…

  • Census 2020: Mobilizing to Get Out the Count

    ...question has already created significant fear and heightened mistrust, particularly for historically undercounted populations, such as communities of color, immigrants, low-income households, and young children. The win at the…

  • A Multigenerational Commitment to the Bay Area

    ...Patricia Hellman Gibbs’ deep commitment to health care attests, each person brings special interests to their giving. What catalyzed her into action was distinct from what catalyzed other family…

  • Community Listening Sessions Shape Strategy

    ...took the helm of SFF in 2014, he kicked off a series of seven listening sessions across the Bay Area. These sessions informed our approach and shaped our strategies…

  • A Community’s Vision for Publicly Owned Land were so common they barely noticed them anymore. The group consisted of lifetime Richmond residents and members of local community-based organizations: Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE);…

  • Place Grantmaking

    ...are being displaced from their homes and communities in the Bay Area. And too many small businesses owned by local people of color can no longer afford to keep…