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Showing12results of325
  • A $7.5 Million Vote of Confidence from the Hewlett Foundation

    ...our role as convener, trusted partner, civic leader, advisor, advocate, and grantmaker. As I noted, our focus on policy, advocacy, systems change, and civic leadership – particularly in the…

  • Our Milestones Marin and Hunters Point intended to address racial and economic inequity. Several endowment gifts earmarked for “improving race relations” help make this possible. 1970s 1974 Martin A. Paley,…

  • SFF Announces $3 Million Investment to Support Latinx-led Community Organizations

    ...Area’s ecosystem of Latinx community organizers to help fight the region’s deep systemic inequities the pandemic exposed and deepened. Ten Latinx-led organizations that focus on service delivery, organizing, and…

  • Terms of Use

    ...of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. The example companies, organizations, products, people and events depicted herein are fictitious. No association…

  • Community Leadership Awards

    ...Phyllis Koshland Friedman – Retha Smith Robinson Community Leadership Award honors the 30-year philanthropic and personal partnership between the late Phyllis Koshland Friedman and Retha Smith Robinson. Phyllis, the…

  • Our Early Eras

    ...SFF’s first director, John R. May, who had previously worked at the federal Office of Price Administration to help control consumer prices and stabilize rents once the United States…

  • Contribute to Recent Disaster Relief Efforts

    ...flooding, many people are wondering how to help impacted communities. We have compiled the following list of suggestions to assist with relief efforts. Please let us know if you…

  • Faith Communities Across CA Back Prop 15, a Moral Call for Equity and Fairness

    ...increase property taxes or rents for homeowners and renters. Agricultural property is fully protected and commercial property worth less than $3 million is also protected. 92 percent of the…

  • California’s Defining Moment: Uniting to Restore More Than $11 Billion Annually to Schools and Critical Community Services

    ...taxes are assessed in California and resulting in declining public investments, especially in education. Although Proposition 13 was framed to help homeowners, it applies to residential and commercial property.…

  • Centering Trust-based Philanthropy

    ...organizing; (2) leadership development; (3) housing (protection, production, preservation, homelessness prevention); and (4) policy and systems change. Location: Centrally located Bay Area counties continued to receive the majority of…

  • Powering Up California Indigenous Communities

    ...Fund (ERF). With this fund, GRID will finance commercial, clean-energy projects to benefit disinvested communities and tribal nations. SFF’s loan will be targeted to Bay Area-based projects. This loan…

  • Food for Thought – and for Community

    ...low prices for high quality produce. In June, for example, they acquired a palette of greens to sell for pennies on the dollar when trucks heading east were forced…